The 20/80 rule for innovation: it's edges

There are people a reason use terms such as "art" and "art" to describe innovations. If it is not avant-garde, innovative how is it possible? However organisations often err trying to innovate instead of the edges of the company, but in the Center. The reason? The Center is home to decision makers. If we think of organizations like bell curves, Center - inside 80 per cent - is something like a stable middle ground, writes Jeff DeGraff, Professor at the University of Michigan, where the exchange of innovation management. The two ends of the bell curve chart - 20 percent outside of the Organization, are the edges risks from crisis and exceptional opportunity. "Are further away from the center of the company, both physically and emotionally, most likely seeking alternative ways of doing things."

Why Madueño advocates the creation of a "rule 20/80" innovation: "It is easier to change 20 percent of your organization 80 percent of what is changing the 80 per cent of its strong 20 percent," says. "Working their innovations from the outside inwards". Innovating from the heart--instead of at the edges, it is one of the "seven sins of leading innovation." of the seven sins Madueño, arises a topic: stop researching and start doing. "A sure sign of a company that is stuck in the planning phase of the innovation is constant data collection," he writes. "Planning is important, but more so to learn from real-life experiences."

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