Get press: 8 tips to go hyperlocal

National advertising campaigns may sound amazing in theory, but a businessman secret marketing weapon could be waiting just outside the door. We asked eight successful founders of Council entrepreneur young to name some creative ways companies can use hyperlocal press to their advantage. Here are their best answers.

1. Give examples of hyperlocal

One of the key aspects that hyperlocal press is requiring hyperlocal news. Not only offer the same national stories to pitch elsewhere; on the other hand, offer the press event or customer who lives in that area, an employee who went to college there, or a case study which took place in the neighborhood. Be relevant to be local in their plot. -Eric Koester, Zaarly

2 Take advantage of their roots

When we launched Tunebash, I wrote a couple of outings in the local press about my story. I told them that I was born in Cayo Hueso, my father was a treasure hunter and I grew up in Miami. I told them about the lack of tech companies in South Florida. When you relate with the local news, which take their history and make it big in the local market. Although it is scalable, it is a test environment. -Joseph Ricard, Tunebash

3. Promote local stories to its social actions

In 2013, press coverage is a numbers game. The possibility of socially share your coverage means local press has one much greater reach and, consequently, much greater value. This is a great thing because local press tends to be more likely to cover you. That coverage builds momentum and finally begins to extend to the regional and national levels. -Jeremy Hitchcock, Dyn

4 Local reporters do the stars

A great way to maximize the hyperlocal press is to share the best reviews online. Blasting of coverage of a local newspaper to your list of email and social gatherings is an easy way of the message beyond the local market and show the reporter that you value your reportage. Including clips of the local press in place, along with the big boys, it is a fantastic way to give props for future coverage. -Brittany Hodak, ' ZinePak

5. The press get involved

Involve the media in a niche event and make heroes. For example, if your company is in the food industry and restaurant, try to host an event of hyperlocal press or bloggers local "celebrity judges" or such time welcomes the gourmet event. Not only are they more likely to appear, but probably to promote as well! Appeal to the interest of others, never his own. -Andy Karuza, brandbuddee

6. It is the Local expert

Local media is always looking for local experts to comment on news, national events and events in pop culture. If you have expertise in finance, legal, fashion, beauty, technology, lifestyle, or any other area that would attract the masses, get local news, magazine, newspaper, or radio station and provide your unique point of view.
-Melissa Cassera, communications Cassera

7 Do your relevant company by giving back

The best way to attract your business from the local press coverage is to give back to the community you serve. If you are organizing a philanthropic, partnering with a local event or the creation of a continuous charity initiative, providing value to your community is a great way to attract reporters and cover its history. -Zach Cutler, Cutler Group

8. Different angles you want to and controls the message

Reporters want good angles. Period. If the output of a local with inclination of a story that does not match, change it. An Austin reporter wanted to link March Madness and reduced labour productivity. Yodle Reporter offers a chance to see how to use March Madness to increase productivity and morale of the team. The story was national. Don't be afraid to check the message building relationships of reporter. -Ben Rubenstein, Yodle

The young entrepreneur Council is an organization only by invitation, composed of most promising young entrepreneurs in the world. In partnership with Citi, the YEC had recently launched #StartupLab, a free virtual tutoring program. 

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